Miah Schmahl

Miah enjoys turned-based strategy games like Civilization for their unique approach to gameplay and ability to force players to think outside of the box. But, she loves how Civilization doesn't make her stress out. She wants to help teach other people how to unwind, relax, and take a chill approach to the Civilization games.e of the box.

Civ 6 Countries Overview: How to Choose The Right Country?

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Civilization Overview There are 20 different Civilizations in the base game of Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. Each Civilization represents a playable faction that represents current countries, ancient civilizations, or a cultural group. Each Civilization has a unique historical leader, some civilizations even have multiple different leaders to choose from with different …

Civ 6 Countries Overview: How to Choose The Right Country? Read More »

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